Native speaker on board
Seit Oktober unterstützt Harry Chivers die Englischlehrkräfte an der Gesamtschule Uerdingen im Englisch Unterricht als Fremdsprachenassistent. Harry Chivers kommt aus England und studiert Deutsch und Geschichte in Birmingham. In verschiedenen Klassenstufen berichtet er beispielsweise von landestypischen Feiertagen wie der Bonfire Night (Klasse 5,6,7), spricht mit Schülerinnen und Schülern über den aktuellen Stand des Brexits, der Queen (LK Q1) oder präsentiert seine Schuluniform und die Schule in England (class 5). Außerdem hilft er Schülerinnen und Schülern während des Unterrichts, hält Sprechstunden und übt mit einzelnen Schülerinnen und Schülern flüssiges Sprechen und Schreiben (Klasse 8 und 10).

Ein Interview in Klasse 5
S: Hello, Mr. Chivers. How are you?
Mr. Chivers:I’m good, thanks!
S: What is your full name?
Mr. Chivers: My name is Harry Chivers. Mr.Chivers at school, though! What’s your name?
S: I’m Simon. Where are you from? How old are you?
Mr. Chivers: I’m from a small town in the South of England, the nearest City is called Winchester, and I go to University in Birmingham. I’m 20 years old.
S: Do you like Krefeld and our school?
Mr. Chivers: I do like Krefeld, it’s the right size for me – there are shops but it’s not as big as a City like Düsseldorf. I also like that it’s close to other cities, although it’s hard to visit other places at the moment! I really like Gesamtschule Uerdingen, everybody is so friendly and has welcomed me with open arms.
S: What was your favourite subject at school?
Mr. Chivers: At school my favourite subjects were French and German but I really enjoyed studying history too!
S: My favourite subject is English and PE. Did you like your school uniform?
Mr. Chivers: I did like my school uniform because it was easy to just get up and get dressed in the morning… I didn’t have to think about what to wear but I don’t miss wearing a blazer in summer.
S: Do you like the Queen and do you like London?
Mr. Chivers: Yes, I like going to London and visiting the landmarks like Big Ben and the Tower of London. When I was younger I actually went inside Big Ben and climbed up all the stairs all the way to the clock. I like the Queen and the royal family too.
S: What is your favourite free time activity?
Mr. Chivers: When I’m at home, I love walking and playing with my dog Hazel. Otherwise I like hanging out with my friends and reading. Is that okay? What is your favourite hobby?
S: I like playing outside with my friends and playing with my mobile phone 😉
Thank you for the interview!