My name is Mhran

Zum Ende des Themas Globalisierung im Q1 Englisch LK, in welchem wir uns mit Arbeitsmigration beschäftigten, schrieb Mhran im Rahmen einer Zusatzaufgabe diesen Text. Die Aufgabe war es, seine eigenen Erlebnisse und/oder Erkenntnisse zum Thema Migration in Zeiten von Globalisierung zu beschreiben. Mhran wich dabei zwar von der Aufgabenstellung ab, schrieb dabei aber diesen sehr lesenswerten Text:

My name is Mhran. I‘m 19 years old and I’ve been living in Germany with my family since 2015. My sad but also exciting story began in 2011 when war was declared in my country Syria.

At that time, the schools closed and we started to feel the danger to our lives, which is why we moved to Turkey.

The life in Turkey was full of happy moments, and it was also very beautiful there, but despite this, we did not feel like we belonged to this country for many reasons. For example, the government didn’t accept us to study in Turkish schools which was why we were not able to learn the language easily.

After almost three years, we decided to go to Germany to get an education and a better life. This does not mean that our life in the country from which we came was like hell, no, but war doesn’t know mercy. We already got what we wanted in Germany and in addition to that we feel welcome in this country, but despite this, it is difficult to feel that I belong here!
